simplifying your vision from what you see through your mind can be a laboring task on anyone’s shoulders, to sit, stand, halt, and just start looking at start or end points to realize where to begin the dotted life line from is something that can be done with a small ounce of sight, though again, more difficult to some than others can imagine..

imagine being able to connect your dots, imagine being able to read through the dotted start and end point, and be able to thoughtfully see your end picture..

imagine one’s site’s daily mission, to connect an overview of multi second thoughts into 1 single image..

imagine connecting your smile to other dotted lives to create a better image..

now, you close your eyes, see your dots, now connect them, and realize your vision..


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They can imagine.
 Therefore we want to increase our braille books production.
 Dorina Nowill Blinds Foundation
 Copywriter: Mário Cintra
 Art Director: Daniel Chagas Martins
 Creative Director: Adriana Cury, Danilo Janjácomo
 Post-production: Vetor Zero
 Production: Vetor Zero
 Movie Director: Nando Cohen